215 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60606, United States

technical seo

What we offer

Propel Your Business with Top-notch Technical SEO Services

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Revolutionize your financial prospects in 2023 using Trinet's Technical SEO Service

Technical SEO services deliver a smooth user experience that keeps visitors coming back for more!

Technical SEO is the crucial step to unlocking your SEO potential. Performance optimization, ensuring crawlability and indexability, and creating a well-structured site and on-page elements are the essential aspects that elevate your website and improve visitor interaction.

Arm your team with expertise in resolving technical web issues and optimization strategies, ensuring a seamless online experience that enhances search engine rankings, ultimately driving increased organic traffic.

We make digital

Our aim is to save you time while increasing your online sales for your business

12+ years of experience that helps us effectively understand your customers’ needs

150+ clients in different industries, we apply an approach to fit your specific niche

Top experts and experienced staff. Over 75 full-time expert employees

We know how to unlock more search traffic for your website

Benefits of Technical SEO

Improved Website Performance:

The first step is to optimize your site for quicker loading times. We guarantee a seamless experience for your visitors, leading to higher satisfaction and improved search engine rankings.

Enhanced User Experience:

Our commitment to intuitive navigation and responsive design ensures effortless access to your site, resulting in not only heightened contentment but also encouraging return visits.

Better Search Engine Visibility:

We’re dedicated to improving website crawlability, boosting indexability, and implementing structured data. These efforts collectively contribute to higher search rankings and greater visibility.

Enhanced Mobile SEO:

Our team excels in optimizing your website for mobile devices. This is especially crucial in light of Google's mobile-first indexing.

Increased Security and Trust:

Implementing SSL certificates and security measures enables you to build trust with your users and safeguard your site from potential risks.

Reduced Bounce Rates and Improved Conversions:

Addressing issues leading to high bounce rates, enhancing user engagement, and increasing conversions through targeted website improvements.

Our Prices

$ 2500

All social media

Mobile optimized

Powerful metrics

Free custom domain

Annual purchase

$ 3500

All social media

Mobile optimized

Powerful metrics

Free custom domain

Annual purchase

$ 5500

All social media

Mobile optimized

Powerful metrics

Free custom domain

Annual purchase

Our 6-Step Process for Technical SEO

Website Audit and Analysis:

We start with a comprehensive audit of your website, examining its technical infrastructure, structure, and performance.

Crawlability and Indexability:

Our experts optimize your site for easy crawling and proper indexing by search engines, ensuring all your content is accessible and visible.

Site Speed and Mobile Optimization:

We boost loading speed and mobile-friendliness for better search rankings, improving user experience across devices.

Schema Markup and Structured Data:

Our specialists implement structured data to enhance the display of rich snippets in search results and click-through rates.

URL Structure and Site Hierarchy:

We optimize URLs and site organization for user-friendly navigation to create a logical flow of information.

Technical Monitoring and Maintenance:

Our team provides ongoing monitoring and maintenance for a well-optimized technical foundation, ensuring your website remains competitive and responsive to search engine algorithms.


What is Technical SEO, and why is it important for my website?

Technical SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to ensure it performs well in search engine rankings. By fine-tuning various technical aspects, you can elevate your website's visibility, user experience, and overall online success.

How can I improve my website's loading speed, and why does it matter for SEO?

Search engines prioritize fast-loading websites in their rankings. To enhance speed, you can take the following actions:


  1. Optimize images: Reduce image file sizes to improve loading times.
  2. Reduce server response times: Enhance speed by upgrading servers or optimizing code.
  3. Leverage browser caching: Store static resources locally on users' devices, decreasing the need for re-downloads.
  4. Utilize content delivery networks (CDNs): Distribute website content across multiple servers, minimizing data travel distance and improving load times.
What are some common technical SEO issues that can affect my website's performance?

Common technical SEO issues include slow page loading times, mobile usability problems, broken links, duplicate content, improper indexing, and issues with site structure.

Do you have a sample?

Yes, please see this sample here.

Get a free consultation!

Technical SEO for Your Business Goal

Our Technical SEO services enhance your website’s technical foundation. In today’s competitive digital landscape, we ensure your site is discoverable and accessible to search engines, and we provide ongoing maintenance to keep it responsive to algorithm changes.

Our services are ideal for small businesses, agencies, and SEO professionals looking to optimize technical performance for better visibility and user experience.


Measuring Technical SEO Success

Organic Traffic Growth

Optimizing your website's technical infrastructure leads to substantial organic traffic growth, as search engines rank your site higher and it becomes more discoverable to your target audience.

Page Load Time

Faster load times, such as 2 seconds or less, are associated with better user experiences, lower bounce rates, and higher search engine rankings.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The CTR is a crucial metric for evaluating the efficacy of your Technical SEO:

CTR = Clicks ÷ Impressions

A click-through rate (CTR) measures how frequently individuals engage by clicking on your site on SERP.

Our guarantee

  1. Our strategies are designed to excel in optimizing your website’s technical foundation for top search engine rankings.
  2. We ensure that critical pages are efficiently crawled and indexed, while promptly addressing technical issues to maximize your website’s performance.
  3. Our dedicated and honest approach is committed to delivering results that consistently surpass your expectations.

Useful Information
